Restorative Cleaning
Restorative cleaning is different from your everyday regular maintenance. It is a deep cleaning method that basically aims to return your carpets to their original condition. After years of use and abuse, restorative carpet cleaning might be exactly what you need to make your old carpets look as good as new. Restorative cleaning is made up of a few steps that are necessary to erase the effect of several years of use. It is usually performed by professional cleaners who have the right gear and experience to handle the most challenging carpets. Dry soil removal This is the first step that your cleaners will do upon arrival. After removing all furniture pieces, they will vacuum your carpets thoroughly to make sure that all the dirt and debris are removed. It is best to go over each area several times. Vacuuming from different directions will help you clean the dirt that is stuck to your fibers. When they go several times over the same spot, this helps the vacuum reach the lowest fibers. Soil Suspension After thorough vacuuming, there will still be some dirt stuck to the fibers of your carpets. This is the old dust that has been there for a very long time. At this stage, the cleaner will apply a special cleaning solution that is meant to get this dirt loose. Whether your cleaner is using steam extraction or any other cleaning method, using a chemical to remove the stuck debris is definitely a must. Professional cleaners will have a lot of solutions that work for different types of carpets. The carpets that are made of natural fibers are different from the ones that are made using synthetic fibers. Using the suitable cleaning solution will protect the fibers of the carpet from damage. An expert cleaner will follow the right instructions to make sure that the soil is perfectly removed. The solution should be left to work for a specific period specified by the manufacturer. This will work best to clean your carpets while maintaining their condition. Cleaners usually avoid using cleaning solutions that will leave a sticky residue. They increase the chance of re-soiling fast. Extraction cleaning This will work to remove all the soil from your dirty carpets. The cleansing solution will make the process so much easier so that the professional cleaner can go on with the cleaning process. Professional experts usually use very high powered vacuum cleaners to remove the soil. Some cleaning methods involve the use of steam to better dissolve the stuck dirt. Drying Letting your carpets dry completely before using them, will help keeping them clean for longer. Since restorative cleaning will involve using cleaning solutions, you might have to wait for a while before your carpets are ready for use. Turn on the fans and open the windows as this will help reduce the drying time. Don’t move your furniture back before your carpets are completely dry. Make sure that you hire a professional carpet cleaner for your restorative cleaning. You will enjoy having clean and fresh carpets that look as good as new. Comments are closed.
November 2018